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February 9, update

Posted by author in the category "blog"

I'm in the middle of proof reading a masters thesis for a family member. It's been a while since I've read a thesis ( what's the plural for thesis?), but compared to the physics papers my eyes are more familiar with, this language one is trivial.

The challenge is the length: nearly 300 pages! I've really been putting the time in to read through and write feedback for her, but until now my kids were at their grandparents' place, so I don't know how much more time I'll have before Sunday night (by when she needs to have finalised the edits).

I have put a long session in tonight, I'm over two thirds of the way through. If I were not so tired I could have done more. Taking a break now will provide the best chance of getting through to the end on time (considering I have plans tomorrow evening, and the kids with all their demands are back).

I'll try to find the time for a longer update about the various hobbies over the weekend.

For now, goodbye!

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